Thank You Floyd Wigler Grant – Published Article

Dear David and everyone at the Western New York Honey Producers, A couple of years ago, we received support from the Floyd Wigler Grant. We have published the project’s results! We wanted to thank you for your support. Your encouragement and financial support...

Inspecting and Bee Vacuums

The May meeting brought us back to the club apiary for a two-part meeting. Starting inside, Carl Smith showed a low cost, easy to make, bee vacuum he made. It used a “big box store” bucket-head type shop vac and a modified 5-gallon bucket. Discussions of other designs...

Club Hive Inspection

Where you able to be there? If not, you missed a great time! A short notice invitation brought 14 members to the club apiary for the initial hive inspection for the year. Doug Ford and Carl Smith lead the group through our four hives. None of the hives were quite...

Wax Rendering and Candle Making

Bridget and Carl Smith hosted the February general meeting at their maple farm in Hamburg. After a short introduction, Carl led a hands-on demonstration of rendering wax cappings and frame scrapings. The cold (19 °F) morning sped up the filtered wax solidification....

Harvest Time

During a recent apiary “work” session, about 20 frames of honey was harvested from our growing (now 5 hives!) club apiary. Four members met at Carl Smith’s Maple Farm and extracted about 5 gallons of honey from the combination of deep and medium frames harvested...